Selasa, 25 Januari 2011

Jom minum jus lobak (Carrots juice)

Carrots are one of the most healing foods, providing the finest and highest quality nutrients, especially in juice form. Carrots are an excellent source of pro-vitamin A in the form of carotene, along with vitamins C, D, E, K, B1 and B6.

Carrots are rich in biotin, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, organic sodium, plus lots of trace minerals. Carrots are also high in anti-oxidants and are loaded with enzymes.

Phytonutrients are nature’s marvelous provision in healing various diseases. Carrots are also rich in phytonutrients, including lutein, lycopene, antioxidants, alpha, beta, and gamma carotenes, zeaxanthin, and xanthophylls.

Carrots Effect on Common Health Problems

Acidosis The alkalizing elements in carrot juice help balance the blood’s acidityas well as blood sugar levels.

The Standard American Diet consists of highly acidic animal protein, refined sugar and grains. Conversely, The Hallelujah Diet contains lots of alkalizing plant sourced foods (carrot juice being one of the most alkalizing). When people stop consuming the Standard American Diet and start consuming The Hallelujah Diet, they are usually able to stop taking their over-the-counter and doctor prescribed antacids in a short period of time.

Anemia The molecules in carrots are very similar to the molecules in human hemoglobin, making it a tremendous blood builder.

Atherosclerosis This miraculous cleansing power of juices helps scrub away built-up fat deposits on arterial walls, reducing risk of heart attack and stroke, while often eliminating need for medications due to high blood pressure.

Cancer The daily consumption of fresh carrot juice not only reduces cancer risk, but also contributes in its reversal after the cancer has manifested.

At the Gerson Institute in Tijuana, Mexico, they have helped patients empower their immune systems to reverse cancer (even terminal cancer). Patients receive eight glasses of freshly extracted carrot juice daily and four glasses of green juices along with other healing modalities.

Cholesterol The pectin in carrot juice helps lower serum levels of LDL cholesterol, reducing the need for cholesterol lowering medications.

Congestion The juice of carrots is extremely effective in dispelling mucus from the ears, nose and throat, while improving sinusitis, asthma, and allergy problems.

Eyes The beta-carotene, lutein, lycopene, and zeaxanthin found in carrot juice are some of the most powerful nutrients for the optic system. In addition to helping to improving eyesight, these nutrients also provide special protection against astigmatism, macular degeneration, cataracts, and glaucoma.

After consuming carrot juice on a daily basis since the 1970s, I was able to pass my North Carolina drivers eye test without glasses at the age of 75. This ended a restriction on my driver’s license for corrective lenses after over 50 years.

Infertility One of the primary reasons for infertility is a lack of nutrients and enzymes in the diet. Regular use of carrot juice can help provide nutrients that benefit the reproduction system.

In fact, dozens of women who could not conceive prior to adopting The Hallelujah Diet have been able to conceive after changing their diet.

Inflammation Carrot juice has anti-inflammatory properties that greatly reduce the symptoms of arthritis, rheumatism, gout, and other inflammations.

Immune System Most people who consume the Standard American Diet (SAD) have immune systems that are not sufficiently protective against germs, viruses, and bacteria. Carrot juice is a powerful immune system builder. It helps the body build resistance to germs, viruses, bacteria, and infections.

Nursing Mothers Carrot juice enhances the quality and quantity of mother’s breast milk, helping the baby to grow strong and resistant to disease.

Skin Problems The incredibly high quality nutrients in carrot juice nourish the skin. This helps prevent dry skin, psoriasis, and other skin problems. It also helps improve or eliminate these conditions if they already exist.

Water Retention Carrot juice is a diuretic that helps the body eliminate excess fluids, reducing water retention, and thus reducing the need for medications. Carrot juice is especially helpful for women during their monthly menstrual cycle and during pregnancy.

The above is only a short and partial list of the benefits one can derive from the regular consumption of carrot juice. There are numerous more benefits, but we could go on for days.

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